What warning signs made you leave your therapist? Share your story.

What warning signs made you leave your therapist? Share your story.
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Many people who have undergone mental health therapy often highlight the positive aspects of it, such as developing better coping skills, building stronger relationships, and achieving a calmer mind.

But what happens when a therapist fails to help or even causes harm? A psychologist might send warning signals to a client by yawning during sessions, consistently arriving late, or offering poor advice.

Patients can report unethical behavior to a counselor’s state licensing board, but there isn’t always a recourse for those who feel a therapist is poorly trained, inexperienced, or just bad at their job. Currently, no federal agency is charged with regulating psychotherapy.

Have you ever started therapy but dropped out because the treatment was ineffective or even offensive? We want to hear from you. If you share your story, a reporter may contact you to ask permission to include your experience in an upcoming article.

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